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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Today marks the start of this blog aimed at discussing the Brew in a Bag (BIAB) method of brewing beer.  I've been brewing since January of 2011.  As with most new homebrewers, I started with pre-made kits, but soon found that not only could I have more choices with an All Grain (AG) method, but the costs were roughly half of the kits!

One day about six months ago, I was surfing the Homebrewtalk forums, and came across a description of the BIAB method.  After viewing a few YouTube videos on BIAB, I was sold.  My local homebrew supply store owner poo-poo'd the idea, but I was convinced this was the way to go for simplicity sake.

After acquiring a keg and turning it into a keggle, I built a 5500W heatstick using plans I found on various sites, and the built a control box for it.  After some initial problems with the heatstick (it died in the middle of a brew..I had 10 gallons of wort ready to boil, and the circuit breaker tripped and would not reset) I've been able to brew 4 different times with no problems, decent efficiency (65%-75%) and great beer as an outcome.

My reason for starting this blog is to share my experiences and the methods I have developed and continue to develop for BIAB.  I really believe that it is the way to go for all homebrewers.